Monday, October 22, 2018

Due Thursday, October 25th - "Beloved" by Toni Morrison, Pages 34-51

Overview:  Toni Morrison employs stream of consciousness in her novel to show how our memories trigger emotions that impact our present and, consequentially, our future.  

Directions: Read pages 34-51.  Next, analyze the following moments. Notice the juxtaposition. How does each “symbol” build on the next? In your blog response, discuss how the text works to create meaning.  What is meaningful about the shift itself, for example?  Choose a 1-3 below to explore, and use direct evidence from the text in your response.  As a class, try to mix it up, so we can cover the list as a class.  Respond to each other.  Be bold.  Brilliant.

  • “Denver’s secrets were sweet” (pg. 34) 
  • Boxwood bushes and emerald light (pg. 34) 
  • The white dress (pg. 35) 
  • Antelope (pg. 36) 
  • Sethe’s “Ma’am.” (pg. 37) 
  • Antelope (pg. 37) 
  • “I believe this baby’s ma’am is going to die…” (pg. 37) 
  • “I was hungry.” (pg. 38) 
  • Amy Denver, velvet and the root cellar (pgs. 38-42) 
  • “Anything dead coming back to life hurts.” (pg. 42) 
  • The white dress. Pain. Plans. (pgs. 42-43) 
  • Time. Rememory. (pgs. 43-44) 
  • “If it’s still there, waiting, that must mean that nothing ever dies.” (pg. 44) 
  • “You never told me what happened.” (pg. 44) 
  • Questions. She stopped. Plans. (pgs. 44-45) 
  • Paul D messed them up for good. Ghost company. (pg. 45) 
  • Sethe. Paul D. The white dress. Plans. (pg. 45) 
  • Plans. (pg. 46) 
  • Baby Suggs. Color. (pg. 46) 
  • Sethe. Color. (pgs. 46-47) 
  • 124 was so full of strong feeling…” (pg. 47) 
  • “...then Paul D arrived.” The white dress. Orange squares. 124. (pg. 47-48) 
  • Paul D. Emotions. Singing. (pgs. 48-49) 
  • It was tempting to change the words… Delaware. Alfred,Georgia. Sixo laughing. Box in the ground. (pg. 49) 
  • Looking for work. Denver. Schoolteacher. (pgs. 50-51) 
  • Paul D and Sethe. The better life. Ain’t the other one. Sethe’s future is Denver and keeping her from... (pg. 51) 

Due Wednesday, May 22nd - Farewell Blog

Dear Scholars, With the year coming to a close, I would like to say how proud I am of all of you, and everything you accomplished this pa...